Locally Made Block Moulding Machine for 2 units 9′ block and 3 units 6′ block



Egg Layer Block Making Machine: it can produce 2 units of 9 inches blocks and can make 3 units of 6 inches block all at once

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This particular machine can manufacture 2 units of 9 inches block at once and the mould can be change to produce 3 units of 6 inches block at once. With this machine you can get more than 1,200 blocks per day. You only need one or two worker on site. It does not require any pallet as produced block can sit on bare ground.

It’s the fastest means of achieving great quality and fast completion of projects due to its capacity of making many blocks in days.

Manual block moulding is labor-intensive and often produces inconsistent blocks. Investing in a block moulding machine, whether manual or semi-automatic, helps produce uniform, well-compacted blocks and reduces labor costs in the long run.



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