Locally Made Block Moulding Machine for 3 units 9′ block and 4 units 6′ block



Egg Layer Block Making Machine: it can produce 3 units of 9 inches blocks and can make 4 units of 6 inches block all at once

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Locally Made Block Moulding Machine For 3 Units 9′ Block and 4 Units 6′ Block

This particular machine can manufacture 3 units of 9 inches at once and the mould can be change to accommodate 4 units of 6 inches block at once. With this machine you can get more than 2,000 blocks per day. You only need one or two worker on site. It does not require any pallet. As manufactured block can sit on bare ground.

It’s the fastest means of achieving great quality and fast completion of projects due to its capacity of making blocks in days. It comes with 2 moulds and vibrators, it also require a 3.5kva Gen to power it sufficiently.

Kindly call/whatsapp us for more details on 08030559825 or 09044585096 to place your order



One thought on “Locally Made Block Moulding Machine for 3 units 9′ block and 4 units 6′ block”

  1. Hello I would like your WhatsApp number please but also your address where 🇳🇬 Nigeria because I am interested in the idea of several brick block production machines.

    Thank you for getting back to me. Sincerely

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